Threading equipment and materials

Thread-cutting machine
Purpose: thread-cutting machine is designed to cut thread on bars with pitch of 2/2.5/3/3.5 mm. Suitable to treat bars of 12-40 mm in diameter. Engine: the machine is based on electric engine with power consumption of 4 kW. The power is supplied ...
Thread-cutting machine knifes
Knives for cutting conic thread on reinforcement. Set consists of 4 knives Manufactured in accordance with GOST 25229-82. Expendable items. Approximate usage: 350-500 steel bars at the bar diameter of 20-28 250-350 steel bars at the rei...
Torque spanner
The spanner is designed for reproduction of torque at normalized tightening of threaded connections with a determined relative error and signalizing the achievement of the normalized torque. ...
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