до 27% Экономия по сравнению с соединением внахлёст

Compression couplings

The operation principle consists in compression (plastic deformation) of coupling placed on the ends of reinforcing bars using a special reinforcing pressing device. However, there is no reduction in the diameter of the reinforcement.

  • Full-strength fastening
  • Reduced reinforcement requirement
  • Reduced period of construction
METAPRESS standard compression couplings
Designed to connect steel bars of the same diameter where at least one of them may freely rotate and move in axial direction. ...
METAPRESS reducer compression couplings
Designed to connect steel bars of different diameter where at least one of them may freely rotate and move in axial direction. Reducing compression couplings may be pressed having gaps or without them. Переходные обжимные муфты могут быть опрессо...

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